Smart statuses. Wise statuses with meaning about life The wisest VK statuses

20.06.2022 Luck

This section contains new, wise statuses with meaning about life, short and not very long, for your page in contact or classmates.

In order for a person to find the meaning of life... He must cultivate a conscience within himself. V. Frankl

Don't try to be a genius on every beat. Gabriel Fore

Conscience guides a person in his search for the meaning of life. V. Frankl.

Everything global begins with little things. Confucius.

Let our highest goal be one thing: to speak as we feel, and to live as we speak.

Be yourself... since other roles are already taken...

Don't praise to your face, don't reproach behind your eyes.

There are times in life when laughter is the only option.

There is no absolute truth in life, but everyone has a conscience. Live according to your conscience.

Cherries picked from a neighbor are always tastier than your own.

Everything that happens has a reason.

Always look for only the good in people - they will show the bad themselves.

All my life I have suffered from thinking well of people.

You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem.

Even a smart woman can make a mistake, even a strong woman can give up.

God bless everyone, but not everyone.

Give every day a chance to become the most beautiful day of your life!

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

This is why knowledge is given to people, to strengthen their souls.

You just need to understand that you live in the future, and you will immediately find yourself there.

It's a stupid feeling when you hug a person, but he doesn't hug you.

If you knew how rarely we are understood correctly, you would remain silent more often. Goethe

If you chop the wood yourself, it will warm you twice. Henry Ford

If you want someone to remain in your life, never treat them with indifference. Richard Bach

There are circumstances that even the great power of love cannot overcome.

Life is a mountain, you go up slowly, you go down quickly. Guy de Maupassant

Life is like a spiral: it begins in childhood in order to subsequently fall into it. Mikhail Mamchich

Life is pure flame, we live with the invisible sun within us. Thomas Brown.

The life of good people is eternal youth.

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Life is like a foreign language: everyone speaks with an accent. Christopher Morley

To live badly and unreasonably does not mean to live badly, but to die slowly.

Remember, you are unique! Just like anyone else!

And among the sand you can find a stone. Venedikt Nemov

There is only one way out of the dead end - go back where you came from. Rimma Khafizova

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel. Marty Larney

No other part of the body harms a person more than his own tongue

Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions to be shattered. Friedrich Nietzsche

Sometimes when you leave, you have to leave...

Art is a way to show your inner world to the outside world.

Truly great is the man who has managed to master his time. Hesiod.

Every moment of life is another opportunity.

How can life change overnight...

The picture you see in your mind will eventually become your life.

Books are divided into two types: books for an hour and books forever. John Ruskin

When fate puts spokes in the wheels, only unnecessary spokes break.

He who thinks clearly speaks clearly.

It's better to wait a little than to act in haste.

The world belongs to optimists. Pessimists are just spectators. Francois Guizot

I don’t need anything from people at all except love and money.

Many people run very fast, but in life they don’t catch up with many things.

Silence is the best way to answer meaningless questions.

A sage will rather avoid diseases than choose remedies against them. Thomas More

Wisdom is the experience of lost battles.

The wisdom of life lies in the ability to turn evil into good. Georgy Alexandrov

The man who gave a woman wings will never wear horns!

Start now to live the life you would like to see in the end. Mark Aurelius.

Don't just be a good person - be good at something specific. Henry David Thoreau.

It is not possible to see those forces that are only allowed to be felt.

You don’t have to expect from everyone what you yourself cannot give.

Don't take life so seriously. You still won't get out of it alive.

Keep it simple. Let what happens happen.

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish...

You can't let a little quarrel ruin a great friendship.

You can’t demand oranges from an apple tree, just as you can’t demand feelings that don’t exist...

The unexpected happens in life more often than the expected. Plautus

There is no enemy more cruel than an old friend. Maurois

Never give up on what makes you smile.

It’s a shame when you consider people close, but they blatantly lie to your face...

loneliness is a good friend of thoughts. To see injustice and remain silent means to participate in it yourself.

I really love one person whom I see every day... in the mirror.

Before you give a person life, think about whether he needs such a life?

Our paths diverge, but the memories remain.

The path of wisdom is to have the courage to say - I don’t know.

A man’s hand is not to beat a woman, but to replace her with a pillow.

If you decide to play with me, make sure I play with you!

Ask a person: “What is happiness?” and you will find out what he misses most.

Status is a small life.

A person’s happiness does not depend on his possessions, happiness depends on the state of his soul!

Only mom has the kindest hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart...

It's hard to keep your back straight when there are so many knives in it...

To respect or not to respect a person is your business. Being respectful is your upbringing.

The smile of life is only seen by those who smile at it themselves...

Smart thoughts come only when stupid things have already been done.

If you want to be happy, don’t rummage through your memory.

If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.

In order not to lose, just take care...

Each person has his own view of life, his own meaning of life. This section contains statuses about life, about life, new 2017 in pictures with meaning, wise short ones, thoughts and words of people, great minds.

There are no mistakes. Events that invade our lives, no matter how unpleasant they may be for us, are necessary for us to learn what we need to learn. Richard Bach

Tell the mirror how bad you feel and you will know the value of your whining.

Never offend or try to lie to a person who looks into your eyes and sees his life in them...

If you can talk, you can sing, and if you can walk, you can dance.

If everything didn't turn out the way you expected, don't be upset. God's plans are always better than ours.

People, living their lives, in most cases do not really understand that they are living it.

The greatest victory is victory over your negative thinking. Socrates

You can be friends with many, trust a few, but you only need to trust yourself.

He is not wise who knows a lot, but he who knows what is necessary.

Follow the example of the best, and you will see how they follow your example.

Life is cruel and unfair, but that’s how we make it.

There is no point in existing, we must live!

Don't judge someone else's past, you don't know your future...

Never tell people about your troubles, most are not interested at all, and the rest are happy that you have them!

Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard. It all depends on your move.

We should strive to see life as it is, and not as it should be.

Nothing in life is as expensive as illness and stupidity.

When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, not a single wind will be favorable for him.

Something happens today, something happens tomorrow - that's life.

There was splendor and wealth, the power of the throne, worldwide fame, praise and honor... And King Solomon had a ring, on it was the inscription: “This too shall pass!”

Loneliness is not the worst thing in days of testing. The worst thing is to sit with your hands folded.

Say only good things about yourself; whoever said it will be forgotten, but what was said will remain!

If you can't live as you want, live as you can.

To achieve much, we must not only act, but also dream, and not only plan, but also believe.

Calm down, stop being nervous... Everything that happens to us happens exactly when it needs to...

No matter what happens, believe in yourself, believe in life, believe in tomorrow, believe in everything you do, always.

I don't talk about life, I live.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it can be so annoying for others that it's worth a try.

Still, it’s better to do something and regret it than to do nothing and then regret it.

Never lower your bar because someone cannot rise to it!


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Wisdom settles in our hearts over the years. In a series of unprecedented mistakes, trials and disappointments. A person is not formed by the knowledge that he acquired in his youth or at school, perhaps at university... This, of course, affects his life, affects who he becomes, but real wisdom comes with experience. Wise are those who know no more than everyone else, and who have experienced the bitterness of disappointment and learned from their mistakes what cannot be taught at school or college. It is not for nothing that it is so pleasant to open a book of sages, where they describe their lives and the truths they acquired along their path. After all, something like this makes you think, get to know yourself from the other side and experience what you have learned for yourself. Statuses about life are wise, they will help you understand yourself, perhaps they will point out your mistakes or force you to go through certain tests in order to become stronger. We wish you wisdom and experience. Good luck.

Too many people break down without even realizing how close to success they were at the moment they lost heart.
That's it, starting tomorrow I will stop putting things off until tomorrow!
When it’s bad, you need to remember: if you give up, it won’t get better!
Life is beautiful when you live it!
Almost always a new life is the result of accidental carelessness.
...Let's enter the lives of those right people more often. And may we all never have thoughts of leaving. Let there be no reason to let go, neither for them nor for us...
We always strive to find out the truth and understand some meaning. But maybe this just complicates our lives?
It sucks when you can’t call a person “yours”, and your heart doesn’t consider them “strangers”.
Good people will bring you happiness, bad people will reward you with experiences, the worst will give you a lesson, and the best will give you memories. Appreciate everyone.
Freedom is when it takes people by the ass and tries to limit them in its space.
Fate is a very convenient word for those who never want to make decisions!
It's good not to work anywhere! I wanted to sleep - I went to bed! I wanted to eat - I went to bed! I wanted a new tablet - I went to bed and took a nap...
If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.
There is so much beauty in our lives, there is no point in focusing on other people's stupidities.
A new life begins either tomorrow or Monday

Wise statuses about life

So that your soul is not destroyed, So that you can finally find yourself, So that you are never forgotten, Sometimes you just need to leave.
Life is like a book. For some it is a detective story, for others it is science fiction. I’m looking, and I seem to have only comics.
It's so scary to be disappointed in people for whom you were ready to give everything...
Life flies by instantly, and we live as if we were writing a draft, not realizing in the scandalous bustle that our life is just a moment.
We cannot change ourselves if our consciousness generates madness.
If yesterday was lost due to some mistake, then do not lose today by remembering this.
The way out of poverty must start in the head.
There are no cowardly men. Either a man or a coward
Life is beautiful if you are not afraid to live!
If your old life oppresses you, quickly forget about it... Come up with a new story for your life and believe in it. Remember only your victories, and this will help you achieve what you want.
The point is not to wait for the storm to end, but to learn to enjoy the rain from the heart...
Sorry for removing you from my friends. Nothing personal, but nothing general either...
A child in the tummy - a back pain, a child in the house - a headache, a child outside the house - the soul hurts!
Everything can be survived in this life as long as there is something to live for, someone to love, someone to care about and someone to trust.
People who try to hide from society huddle like wolves in their lair.

People usually call friendship spending time together, mutual assistance in business, exchange of services - in a word, such relationships where selfishness hopes to gain something.

People themselves are often the cause of their own happiness and unhappiness.

It’s not enough to know, you have to apply it. It’s not enough to want, you have to do it.

I really don't like arrogant people who put themselves above others. I just want to give them a ruble and say, if you know your worth, you will return the change.

“L.N. Tolstoy"

Maybe it’s just right for old comrades to sink into their graves so easily and so simply.

How long to wait for changes for the better? If you wait, it will be a long time!

An aphorism is a mania of thought brought back to life by the magic of words.

"Evgeniy Khankin"

Take care of what you have, don't look at what others have. Thank God for what he has given you, and he will give you more.

If you're arguing with an idiot, he's probably doing the same thing.

If you have lost something, be glad that it is not much! If you have lost a lot, be glad that you have not lost everything! If you have lost everything - rejoice, there is nothing more to lose!

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If you have love, then you don't need anything else. If you don't have love, it doesn't matter what else you have!

If you want to get to the top, don't forget to enjoy life while you're down. Because at the top it is usually cold and lonely.

There are two types of envious people: the first want everything like you, and the second want you to have nothing at all.

It is difficult to go through life on several paths at the same time.

Did you get everything you need from happiness? Then pass the joint on.

"Musin Almat Zhumabekovich"

Every person has two trees in life: one is the tree of happiness, the other is the tree of sadness. Whatever tree you water, those are the fruits you will eat.

I was smart enough to live my life stupidly.

A belief should be valuable only because it is true, and not at all because it is ours.

The kinder we become, the more kindly others treat us, and the more good we are, the easier it is for us to see the good around us.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown.

Four things cannot be returned: A stone once thrown. The word, if it is spoken. Case in case it is missed. And the time that has passed.

In order not to be too disappointed, you don’t have to be very fascinated.

Envy aligns the entire human race under one straight line, which is called insignificance.

"Musin Almat Zhumabekovich"

And although the temptation is great to take two roads at once, you cannot play with both the devil and God with one deck of cards.

Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. This trait is characteristic of small people. A great person, on the contrary, instills in you the feeling that you too can become great.

"Mark Twain"

Art is a mystery!

"Edward Grieg"

When driving a nail into the soul, remember that even if you pull it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there that will heal for a long time and torment its owner. Don't hurt those who love you with all their hearts.

These are the times when there are continuous executions for the soul, and now there are such a great number of them that it is incomprehensible to the mind, but this is a daily reality.

"Vladimir Solonina"

Time doesn't like to be wasted.

"Henry Ford"

Make as many mistakes as possible, just remember one thing: don’t make the same mistake twice. And you will grow.

For me, like Antonina, the city and fatherland are Rome, and as a person, the world. And only what is useful to these two cities is good for me.

"Marcus Aurelius"

To improve relationships, the Almighty brought us to reason by endowing us with the wisdom of the elders.

"M. Gorbachev"

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

"Paulo Coelho"

Dear ladies, if your friend advises you to go out, enjoy life, pursue a career, and not think about the feelings of a man? This means she wishes you happy singlehood in middle and old age.

"Musin Almat Zhumabekovich"

When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, not a single wind will be favorable for him.

"Lucius Annaeus Seneca"

A cat is a collection of agile bones, covered with fur and skin, which moves chaotically in search of food.

Someone else's sky will never become your own. A strange woman will remain a stranger. And know if someone else’s beckons you. One day someone will take yours with them.

Eloquence, like the fair sex, has such significant charms that it does not tolerate attacks on itself. And it would be useless to criticize the art of deception when people like this kind of deception.

"John Locke"

There is no envy in the world, since all people stand on the same row, on the same rung of the ladder of happiness.

"Musin Almat Zhumabekovich"

There is no need to drown yourself in sadness. Get up! Straighten up! And write down all your grievances on the sand, all your victories on granite!

No amount of wealth will make you richer.

"Musin Almat Zhumabekovich"

Never expect anyone else to change. Change always needs to start with yourself.

A person who makes a mistake and does not correct it has made another mistake.

Human disputes are endless not because it is impossible to find the truth, but because those arguing are not looking for truth, but for self-affirmation.

"Buddhist Wisdom"

In fact, after death, everyone ends up in the same place. It's just that optimists consider it heaven, and pessimists consider it hell.

"Sergey Fedin"

Have courage if you want to change something. Be patient if something cannot be changed. And be wise to know when courage is needed and when patience is needed.

Put on the brass knuckles of nobility, destroy evil.

"Musin Almat Zhumabekovich"

It always seems to us that they love us because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good.

"L. N. Tolstoy"

If a man needs only one thing from a woman, then she is only capable of one thing.

If you learn to step aside from your ego, restless mind, feelings and the world around you and look into the flow of life, you can gain true wisdom.

If the problem can be resolved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it.

"Dalai Lama"

Everything has some kind of limit, but not sorrow, it does not know sleep, does not know death; the day does not illuminate it, the night is its depth, its living memory.

"Maurice Blanchot"

All the right thoughts come only after the emotions end.

Freedom cannot be denied to someone who has a consciousness sufficiently developed to perceive the concept of freedom and desire it.

You can't plan your life. A planned life ceases to be life and turns into continuous waiting.

Hatred is the only feeling that yearns to take your throne and make your coffin a footstool.

"Musin Almat Zhumabekovich"

Before you speak, make sure your tongue is connected to your brain.

Before you diagnose yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure you are not surrounded by idiots.

"Sigmund Freud"

The habit of judging others is often a sign of self-doubt, selfishness or immaturity.

There will come a time when you decide it's over. This will be the beginning.

Everything that surrounds us once seemed like a magical dream... 17

We must make all the mistakes in order to understand why we should not have made them. 29

We invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks. Free yourself - breathe life and realize what you can do. 23

All people come into our lives for a reason. Some bring happiness, while others bring experience and tempered character. 29

It doesn't matter how you fall. It's how you rise that matters. 16

People used to dream of reaching for the stars, but now they wait until Friday evening. 16

A wonderful life begins with wonderful thoughts. 27

Happiness does not depend on the amount of money, but it is better to cry in a jeep than on a bus. 18

Yesterday it was early, tomorrow it will be late, but today there is no time. 24

If you are wrong and silent, you are wise, if you are right and silent, then you are married. 17

Before you put down roots, see how high you can grow here. 21

The more sun there is in the soul, the brighter the life around! 28

The secret of success is to communicate with those who are better, to fight with those who are stronger, to love those who are not allowed to, not to die where others die, and to laugh at life when it laughs at you. 25

Three things never come back - time, word and opportunity. 23

Every night ends with dawn. 27

You are able to see beauty only because you carry beauty within you. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection. 7

Sometimes inexplicable miracles happen - but only to those who believe that miracles do happen. 9

Happy is not the one who chose the “right” path, but the one who loves his road: every rise, every descent, every stone, pothole, pothole. This is the love of life and makes a person happy. 16

The most precious thing in the world is stupidity. You have to pay the most for it. 16

Only in calm water are things reflected undistorted. Also, only a calm consciousness adequately perceives the world. 13

The main rule of life is not to let yourself be broken by either people or circumstances. 21

He was always lucky, he even died of happiness. 13

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will happen a third time. 17

Self-deception usually leads to self-destruction. 11

With age comes not only wisdom and self-confidence... But also greyhound cockroaches in your head that don’t care about your wisdom and self-confidence... 11

You won't spit after someone who goes against the wind. 16

If you look at it, it’s fascinating! If you walk, do it in such a way that you turn around! If you love, then for real. 10

Life is about feeling like you're living. 14

To understand the full depth of white, sometimes you need to look at black. 12

The actions of the Creator are worthy of surprise!
Our hearts are filled with bitterness -
We leave this world without knowing
Neither the beginning, nor its meaning, nor the end (Khayam) 10

Mistakes only become wiser over the years. And we do them with a smarter face. 12

With age, a person’s energy, according to Einstein’s law, turns into his mass. 6

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. Accept it. 15