How to build a car wash. Car wash is a profitable business. How to open your own car wash. Choosing a car wash type

29.06.2023 Personality

Today, having a car will no longer surprise anyone.

A personal car indicates the mobility of its owner, because to be efficient, you need to move a lot around the city and around the country.

The number of cars is growing in cities, which means that motorists will place demand on the services of service centers.

The presence of a recreation area, a cafe, and a car wash at them will make such an object a favorite place for drivers to hang out.

City dust in the summer and street dirt in the fall make the car unattractive, and the “clean city” events held

The traffic police force all motorists to keep their “iron horse” clean.

So the car washing service will have good profitability.

What does it take to open a car wash?

To begin with, it is important to answer the questions:

  • where to begin;
  • how to organize a business;
  • and how much will all this cost?

Any business requires careful calculations and justification, which are reflected in the business plan. This document should contain information about the enterprise’s planned expenses, payback and expected profit.

Firstly, The future owner of a car wash should have a good idea of ​​what costs he will incur and whether it is worth spending money on it.

The most important thing is to agree and obtain the necessary documentation:

  • municipal permit;
  • certificates for washing equipment;
  • passport for the object;
  • license agreement;
  • environmental agreement;
  • conclusion with the fire inspection.

The list of such documents remains open, because it is no secret that in Russia it is difficult to start your own business due to the corruption component of the economy. But if a person has made a decision and is passionate about it, he doesn’t care about any difficulties, the main thing is to believe in your strength and love the work you are doing.

Next, it is important to decide on the location. The number of customers who will use its services depends on where the car wash will be located. As a rule, a convenient location for a car wash would be near busy highways, city avenues, city entrances, or next to a car service center. At the same time, it must be taken into account that in large transport hubs you may encounter an excess of clientele.

Thirdly, the work requires equipment:

  • compressor;
  • water supply device;
  • washing vacuum cleaner.

The best option for a car wash is to use imported equipment, which, although expensive, is at the same time powerful and productive. In addition to the equipment, you will need consumables for washing and polishing the body.

The profitability of a car wash is on average 40%.

But the income will depend on the season and time of day. Maximum customers use the car wash services during peak hours and evenings. If you properly organize the reception of clients, the profit will be maximum, which will allow you to quickly recoup the project and earn a stable income.

Any business needs workers - those who will directly perform the work of washing the car.

When selecting working personnel, it is advisable to be guided by two criteria:

  • knowledge and ability to use washing equipment;
  • ability to establish contact with clients.

Of course, in any business it is important to use the work of specialists in their field, but they are not easy to find. As you know, professionals don’t lie on the road. The main thing in specialists is not the presence of higher education, but the desire to work, learn, grow and develop, and over time this will make people indispensable. It is important to motivate staff, so salaries should be determined based on the actual amount of work. The presence of 6-7 such washers with round-the-clock operation will be the best option for the development of this business and will allow you to extract maximum benefits.

Since it is impossible to know everything and immediately apply it, any business must begin with basic proposals. As the business grows, the car wash can expand its product line, and this will give the business an additional impetus for development and increase sustainability during the off-season, when there is little or no traffic flow.

The list of services is quite wide and includes external engine washing, dry cleaning, body polishing, and interior cleaning. In the future, you can further develop related services and new areas of development and improvement, for example: car tuning, a form of payment in installments, a system of discounts, promotions and prize draws among regular customers etc.

How much money does it take to open a car wash?

So, the implementation of the entire complex of the above measures requires about 2 million rubles. Of these, 1 million is required for the approval of project documentation, and 150-200 thousand for renting land. It is possible to build car wash bays yourself, but it requires additional approvals and about 3 million rubles for the construction itself.

In conditions of high risk of doing business and limited free resources, many people prefer renting. Further, 230-250 thousand will be needed for the purchase of equipment, 9 thousand for consumables, and 200 thousand for staff salaries. As you know, the profitability of a car wash is 30-40%, which means that the monthly average income taking into account expenses will be about 200 thousand rubles.

These figures are averages as the market is constantly changing and prices may rise.

Many people think about opening a personal, profitable business. The main factor leading to the birth of an idea is the desire not to be subordinate to other people. The development prospect seems simple, but there are many factors that can stop the process. Choosing a direction is the first thing a future entrepreneur faces. Finding out how to open a car wash and make a fortune will require effort, nerves and time.

The relevance of opening a car wash

The relevance of opening a car wash lies in increasing the number of cars on the country's roads. According to recent studies, the average family has about 2 cars. Every car owner loves his car and wants it to look presentable. Cars are washed regularly, and, as practice shows, most people prefer to carry out the procedure at specialized car washes. Many consider car washing to be a seasonal job. However, dust settles on cars in the summer, road salt in the winter, and dirt in the spring and fall. Therefore, the season is all year round. The answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a car wash is obvious.

With a manual wash, 4 to 6 cars can be serviced per hour. The average payment for washing the body is 300 rubles, vacuuming the interior is 100 rubles and dry cleaning the interior is 4500 rubles. Revenue for the month will be about $8,000. If we take away the costs of rent, staff salaries, technical needs, public utilities, the net profit is about $2000.

Features and stages of opening a car wash

Once you are convinced of future successes and acceptable results, you should think about what you need to open a car wash:

1. Creation of a car wash project, in the event that construction will take place. The project is required to obtain documents permitting the construction of a building or work premises. It should indicate the layout of the building and territory, the location of the equipment, its characteristics, and the required energy capacity. It is necessary to clarify services from additional municipal services.

2. Find a place and room. Main stage. The number of clients, their income and the businessman’s profit will depend on the location. The optimal solution for where to open a car wash would be a building near the road in a densely populated prestigious area, or at a gas station. The number of competitors is preliminarily determined. The fewer there are, the better.

3. Obtaining permission to open a car wash. How to open a car wash without approval from the relevant authorities? No way. Required if a building is being constructed according to a pre-certified design.

4. Purchase equipment. To wash a car, special high and low pressure equipment is used. Services include pre-washing the car with a spray of detergent softened with cold water under high pressure. Afterwards, using brushes, wash with hot softened water and detergents. To wash off all the reagents, ordinary water under high pressure is used. Glass cleaning is done with demineralized water under low pressure.

5. Purchase cleaning equipment. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, the car wash system must be connected to treatment equipment, which will save on water resources used and comply with environmental legislation.

6. Select personnel. You won't be able to turn your plans into reality alone. No special skills are required from hired workers. Basic knowledge of automotive mechanics is desirable.

7. Services must be provided around the clock in order to obtain maximum profits. This will require about 6 people and one foreman. Students can be hired. Payment is set within 20-40% of the work performed per standard working day and is divided among workers. I washed more cars - I earned more.

9. Open a car wash. The most pleasant moment. Is it worth opening a car wash without the presence of representatives of local authorities, acquaintances, and friends at the opening? It is possible, but it will not bring initial popularity. For promotional purposes, several officials' cars should be washed free of charge.

How much does it cost to open a car wash?

Having considered the stages of creating and opening a car wash, the desire to open this organization increases. But, no matter how beautiful everything was in theory, the need to invest money has not been canceled. There is a logical answer to the question of how much it costs to open a car wash.

Rental costs are regular and depend on each specific case. The following one-time costs should be added to the rental:

  • High pressure water supply equipment, designed for one post - $550 - $1250.
  • High pressure heated water supply equipment - $1600 - $3100.
  • Used water treatment equipment - $4500 - $6500.
  • Vacuum cleaner and washing vacuum cleaner - $350 - $600.
  • Compressor - $200-$450.

Owners of car washes in our country give preference to imported equipment. The main supplier of high-quality equipment that will serve for a long time is the German company Karcher.

In addition, equipment from Italian and Danish manufacturers is used. Domestic equipment is in demand only as a treatment equipment.

Consumables include shampoos, polishes, chemical cleaning products, engine cleaners, bumpers and rims. Monthly expenses for servicing 25 - 35 cars per day will be about $300 - $400.

Important for starting your own business

For beginners, when opening a car wash, the main difficulty will be the question of choosing a place to build a building, since many bureaucratic procedures are required related to the coordination of complex issues and obtaining various permits from the relevant authorities. The process may take a long time and will require an investment of about 3 million rubles. For this business, the best option would be to rent a ready-made premises.

An important point when deciding where to open a car wash will be taking into account the requirements of the SES and the authorities. Placing car washes within 70 meters of residential buildings is prohibited.

If you do not have the required amount of funds, you should draw up a business plan that will display all the profitability indicators of the enterprise.

If drawing up a document is not possible, you should contact the appropriate company. Based ready-made business plan Apply to the bank for a loan and, with the funds received, get down to business.

With good performance results, a manual car wash can be supplemented with a tunnel or portal wash. Expansion can be carried out by attracting investments and loans, which will increase the vehicle throughput from 20 to 100 per hour.

It became clear how to create a profitable business and how to open a car wash. The costs that will need to be incurred if all requirements and standards are met will pay off after 4 - 7 months. When constructing a building and using the most expensive equipment, the payback period may take one and a half to two years.

New car wash business ideas

A person starting a business must be not only smart, but also creative. You can use different techniques to attract customers. IN this business there are some tricks. For male drivers, an excellent option would be to have the washing procedure carried out by beautiful girls in bikinis, and for female drivers - by muscular men in swimming trunks.

Where to start opening a car wash: required documents, land, connection to networks, obtaining permits. Three options for the technical organization of a car wash are offered.


Car wash as a business is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. After all, there are now plenty of mobile mobile complexes equipped with a full set of equipment that allows us to provide the maximum possible range of car washing and cleaning services. In addition, the good thing about a mobile car wash is that it can be installed in any convenient, or, more precisely, profitable place for this business. At the same time, its compactness and low cost make this type of business more accessible to a wide range of small entrepreneurs.

In simple terms, it is enough to invest money in a mobile car wash once, promote it, expand the list of basic and additional services to the maximum, and easily make a profit. But where to buy a mobile car wash, how to quickly collect a list of documents for opening it, and also get a stable influx of customers - read on.

Let's look at the key steps for opening a car wash based on a mobile complex.

Step 1: Solving organizational and legal issues

Almost all beginning businessmen at the stage of starting a business are faced with the problem of collecting the necessary package of documents. If you approach this issue step by step, then this approach will save you a lot of time, money and nerves.

Individual entrepreneur registration

The first thing you need to do is decide on the organizational and legal form of doing business. And here there are two options: either you register as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur (IP). If you are exploring the space of a small business for the first time, then it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, as this will save you from unnecessary red tape when preparing a package of documents for opening a car wash.

Tax system

And here it is better to make your choice in favor of the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). The fact is that the tax rate in the simplified tax system consists of two indicators: 6% of total income and 15% of income reduced by the amount of expenses. In this case, the taxpayer has the right to choose according to which of these two indicators the tax will be paid.

And here it is better to focus on the second option: 15% on income reduced by expenses, since in this case the total tax amount if the business profitability is less than 60% (and the profitability of a car wash does not exceed 40%) will be less than the tax amount when choosing rates of 6% of total income.

Note: Tax accounting under the simplified tax system is quite simple and, in fact, can be carried out by the entrepreneur himself without the involvement of an accountant, but in order not to get confused in all the intricacies and features of accounting, we recommend using the online accounting “My Business”.

Required documents

When all the organizational and legal aspects of opening a business have been resolved, the question immediately arises: “What does it take to open a car wash?” And here the manufacturers of mobile car wash complexes solve some of the problems for you, since along with the equipment they can provide you with a certain package of documents. This includes the following car wash permits:

  • All certificates relating to the equipment installed on the complex.
  • Passport for car wash design.
  • Letter of refusal for the construction of a car wash.
  • License agreement.
  • Project agreement on ecology “Environmental protection”.
  • Architectural coordination.
  • Typical fire report.
  • Standard expert opinion (SER) confirming the safety of technological processes for washing vehicles.

And it doesn’t matter which manufacturer you purchase your mobile car wash from. The main thing is that he must provide you with the above-mentioned package of permits and approval documents, since independently collecting such papers will take you several months.

Step 2: Select a plot of land

Your next step is land for a car wash. However, it is quite difficult to give you clear recommendations here, since everything will depend on the specific situation, and there are only three of them:

  • Purchasing a plot of land from a private owner.
  • Rent of a plot of land from the state (subject of the Russian Federation or region).
  • Sublease.

In this situation, sublease is the best option, since it is much easier, cheaper and faster to negotiate with the main tenant in the person of the owner of a gas station, parking lot or large shopping center than with representatives of local governments (Administration, City Government, Village Council, etc.). ).

Step 3: Connecting to Electrical Networks

The third step is concluding an agreement for connection to electrical networks. And although mobile car washes are equipped with generators, it is better not to miss such an opportunity as connecting to city electrical networks. Simply, the constant operation of a car wash on generators alone leads to their frequent breakdowns and power failures, and also increases the cost of the services provided for cleaning and washing cars.

Step 4: Connecting to water networks

The fourth step is an agreement for connection to water networks and, if necessary, a second agreement for the purchase of water. Despite the fact that most mobile car washes are equipped with a closed water circulation system, these contracts will still have to be concluded, since waste water needs to be discharged somewhere, including municipal solid waste (filters).

Step 5: Concluding an agreement for solid waste disposal

Step five follows from the fourth - this is an agreement for the disposal of solid waste (solid waste) and used water.

Additional Steps

The next two actions on your part may or may not take place, since everything here will depend on specific legal norms in a particular region or subject of the Russian Federation. You may need:

  • Permission to install a car wash structure at the specified address. This permission is required if you are leasing municipal land. It is taken from the Head of the Administration of the municipality, district, administration, etc.
  • You may also be required to approve the appearance of the car wash structure, which must, according to legal regulations, fit into the boundaries of the locality. To obtain such a permit, you need to contact the local architectural authorities and provide them with several options for planning solutions, including a photo montage of the appearance of the car wash in relation to the area.

Final composition of documents

As a result, to obtain permission to open a car wash, you must collect the following package of documents:

  • The entire package of documents related to the organizational and legal form of doing business. Simply put - documents for individual entrepreneurs and documents for tax registration.
  • Permits and approval documents received from the manufacturer of the mobile car wash.
  • Document of ownership, lease or sublease of the plot of land where the car wash will be located.
  • Agreement on connection to electrical networks.
  • Agreements for connection to water networks and for the purchase of water.
  • Agreements for the disposal of solid waste and used water.

Step 6: Final step: obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

And finally, when the entire package of documents has been collected, you contact the local authority of Rospotrebnadzor, which, based on them, issues you the following permit for a car wash: “Permit (IP) for the type of activity “Car wash” at the address: such and such a city, such a street - this, etc.”

Complexes of mobile car washes.

As mentioned above, many mobile car wash complexes are available for individual entrepreneurs. And below you will be presented with 3 options for similar equipment from leading manufacturers, which will help determine the final car wash cost and, as a result, find out a more accurate figure for the initial investment.

Option one

Option two

This option is optimal for those who want to try this type of business in their city and weigh the pros and cons. For these purposes, the Fortis company presents 4 sets of mobile car washes: model 111, 112, 211 and 212.

Two of these models 111 and 112 are designed for washing cars only at positive air temperatures, the other two 211 and 212 - at air temperatures down to -15°C. That is, if you want to provide car wash services only in the summer, then pay attention to models 111 and 112.

But models 211 and 212 can only be used from mid-spring to late autumn, because they are not suitable for working in harsh Russian winters.

The minimum cost of mobile car washes of the Fortis company is 197 thousand rubles.

A distinctive feature of all these models is a set of equipment that includes an inflatable tent consisting of a pallet with inflatable sides. At the same time, all car wash equipment easily fits into medium tonnage truck and, if desired, can be transported from place to place, and its installation takes a matter of hours.

Option three

Choosing a location for a car wash

So, it remains to highlight one more of the main points of the car wash business - this choice of location.

At first glance, it may seem that the best places for a car wash are busy highways. That’s right, but such places are only suitable for tunnel car washes with a capacity of 15 cars per hour or more, and a single-station manual car wash can pass through no more than 3 cars per hour, and then only if the washer is highly professional.

Simply put, you will earn little, since the majority of clients in such places want to quickly wash the car body, without any additional services. From which it follows that you need to look for a place with regular customers who value quality and are willing to pay well for it.

And here you should consider the following options: a large shopping center, a parking lot and a gas station. Ideally, each of these places should be located near residential (dormitory) areas, where local motorists will become your first customers. That is, a person will know that there is a car wash near his house, where he can leave his car and calmly go home, waiting for a call about washing the car.

People quickly get used to such a convenient location of the car wash, and if your service is at the proper level, then over time a whole line will line up for you and the car wash will take place by appointment. And most importantly, it is these clients who most often order additional services, such as dry cleaning or polishing, which cost 2-3 times more than a regular body wash. Now we will look at them in more detail.

List of services provided

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the prices indicated below for car wash services were relevant in the fall of 2012 for the central and northwestern federal district. Of course, prices are different everywhere and change all the time, but this information will help you understand the pricing system and draw appropriate conclusions.

  1. Body wash. Basic work: washing the body with shampoo, drying the body, washing the sills and arches. Cost option:
    • Small cars with engine capacity up to 800-1500 cm³ - 230 rubles.
    • Passenger cars - 280 rub.
    • Niva class jeeps, Minivan - 320 rub.
    • Minibuses of the Nissan class, BMW-X5 - 380 rubles.
    • Gazelle buses up to 3 tons - 600 rubles.
  2. Interior cleaning. Basic work: cleaning the interior with a vacuum cleaner, washing glass, panels and door trim. Cost option:
    • Jeeps - 120 rub.
    • Minibuses - 130 rubles, cleaning of panels and door trim - 180 rubles.
  3. Blackening of the bumper and rubber. (Pre-sale preparation). Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 70 rubles. bumper, 70 rub. a pair of wheels.
    • Jeeps - 90 rub. bumper, 90 rub. a pair of wheels.
    • Minibuses - 90 rub. bumper, 90 rub. a pair of wheels.
  4. Deep wash of the engine compartment and engine. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 300 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 330 rub.
    • Minibuses - 300 rub.
  5. Washing the engine compartment and engine. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 140 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 150 rub.
    • Minibuses - 140 rub.
  6. Body polishing. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 400 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 500 rub.
    • Minibuses - 550 rub.
  7. Washing and cleaning the trunk (vacuum cleaner).
  8. Cost option:
  • Passenger cars and small cars - 100 rubles.
  • Jeeps - 110 rub.
  • Minibuses - 120 rub.
  • Body waxing.
  • Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 90 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 110 rub.
    • Minibuses - 130 rub.
  • Treatment with Anti-rain and Anti-fog agents.
  • Cost option:
    • Windshield - 80 rub.
    • Other glasses - 110 rub.
    • Comprehensive processing of all glasses - 160 rubles.
  • Wheel washing - 20 rub.
  • Wheel washing and drying - 30 rubles.
  • Washing discs using acids - 200 rubles.
  • Air conditioning of seat trim - from 350 to 500 rubles.
  • Washing of other car components and components - from 120 rubles.
  • Removing stubborn stains (insect marks, bitumen, waste, etc.) - from 200 to 500 rubles.
  • Wheel polishing - 200 rub.
  • Washing rugs - 30-40 rubles.
  • As you can see, the list of basic services is quite impressive, and if desired, you can add washing and cleaning of other vehicles such as motorcycles, bicycles, ATVs and even watercraft. But the “steepest” prices apply to car interior dry cleaning, where just one order for such a service can cover the entire daily revenue from a regular car body wash.

    List of services for dry cleaning of car interiors.

    • Car with engine capacity up to 1000 cm³ - 3500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Car with engine capacity up to 1500 cm³ - 4000 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Car with engine capacity up to 2000 cm³ - 4500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3500 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Station wagons, crossovers and other premium cars - 5,000 rubles. with disassembly of the interior, 4000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • SUV class jeeps - 5500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 4500 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Auto class minivans - 7,000 rubles. with disassembly of the interior, 5000 rubles. without disassembly.

    You can also add to this list an additional list of services for dry cleaning of individual elements of the car interior and thereby further increase your income from the car wash.


    As soon as we open a car wash, we certainly shouldn’t expect a powerful flow of customers with folded arms. Here you will have to invest some money in its promotion. In addition to standard advertising such as banners, road signs, leaflets and booklets, the following methods will be extremely effective:

    • Method one - free car wash! And in the literal sense of the word. For example, you put up a stand or banner with the following name: “From May 1 to May 5, washing any car is completely free!” Yes, you will lose part of the profit, but this pressing question: “How to promote a car wash” will be finally resolved. After all, you must agree, who would refuse such a service? Nobody! Of course, after the end of the promotion, some car owners will drop out, but those who remain will form the basis of your customer base.
    • Method two - discount on all services up to 50%. For example, you advertise: “The last day of the month - 50% discount on all services.” This service will be especially relevant for dry cleaning of a car dealership and other expensive events. You can also issue coupons for a small monthly discount for regular customers. The discount is promoted using Internet coupon services such as Biglion, Grupon, Couponator.

    So, you already know how to open a car wash, and the final touch remains - the quality of customer service and work with the car wash staff.


    High quality customer service means not only a job well done, but also an individual approach to each of them. That is, it is much more convenient for a person to wait for a car wash in a cozy lounge, with hot and free coffee in his hands, while watching his favorite show, than somewhere on the street.

    As for the service personnel, for a single-station car wash you will need only one employee. But even here, the search for such a person should be approached responsibly and not skimp on the salary. Immediately try to exclude such personnel as schoolchildren, students or visitors. By simply saving on their salaries, you will end up losing even more, because such low-skilled workers sharply reduce the throughput of the car wash, and the quality of service will leave much to be desired. In this case, it is better to set the fee at 30% of the cost of the service (washing the body, cleaning the interior, etc.), but to control the cash register, be sure to install video surveillance.

    Car washes are a profitable business that, with proper development, can become truly highly profitable! Agree, the number of cars on our roads is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is growing every year, which is why the demand for this type of service will only grow. To open a car wash you don’t need certificates - just desire!

    Advantages and disadvantages of opening a car wash

    When starting any business, the first thing you should think about is: the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity? Let's look at the pros and cons of car washes.

    1. High demand for this type of service
    2. This is a highly profitable business
    3. There is practically no competition, and if there is, it is insignificant.

    1. High initial investment, which not everyone can afford.
    2. The likelihood that you will have to take out a loan to open
    3. There is constant humidity in the car wash premises, so repairs will need to be done quite often.

    Yes, opening a car wash will be much more difficult than closing (the likelihood of this is quite high, since if SES standards are not followed, the administration will not allow your business to exist for long), but, nevertheless, the choice is entirely yours.

    Do you need a business plan for a car wash?

    Before you open any business that (according to your plans) should make a profit, you simply need to draw up a business plan! And it doesn’t matter at all: it’s a car wash, the essence is the same: this is a business that requires a lot of dedication!

    It is worth understanding that a car wash business plan will help you clearly formulate your idea. If you are your own investor, then this project will put everything into perspective and allow you to better navigate what is happening. But, if you have partners, or you are planning to get a sponsor, then a business plan is the only way you can get investment!

    The most interesting example in this case is Japanese businessmen. If you divide into percentages all the time they spend preparing for the opening, you can see that 80% of this time is spent on developing a business plan and working out all the details, and only 20% on the actual implementation of the idea! The Japanese are real pros in this matter; their plans take into account any force majeure and work through the opening process every minute!
    It is precisely this fact that a well-drafted and high-quality business plan is the key to your future success and its first step!

    What you need to open a car wash: documents and permits

    Starting your own business is a laudable decision, but quite often it is shattered when it turns out that it is not so easy. To begin with, you should collect a fairly large amount of various documentation!

    The first and most important thing will be to obtain a resolution from the city administration. They must confirm that they have nothing against opening a car wash in a certain area. But the paperwork won't end there. Next, you should submit a letter of petition to the administration of this city, in which you make a request for the allocation of the selected plot of land for construction.

    OKVED code for car wash:

    50.20.3 - Providing other types of vehicle maintenance services (main point).
    This grouping includes:
    - washing, polishing, applying protective and decorative coatings to the body, interior cleaning, towing and other similar activities.
    52.1 - Retail in non-specialized stores.

    Before obtaining preliminary consent, you must prepare and submit a sketch of your project to the city administration, and also coordinate it with firefighters, the sanitary and epidemiological station and municipal architects. Once you get the consent of all these government agencies, the matter is not over.

    Next, you should write a letter addressed to the mayor, in which you need to enclose all the documents received thanks to the above actions. You should definitely receive a response letter - in which either consent or refusal will be expressed. If the answer is positive, then this will be the ticket to opening your own business.

    Only after this letter can you begin to develop a building project. As soon as this process is completed, it should be sent for examination to the SES and agreed with the labor and environmental protection service. Next, meet again with a representative of the fire inspectorate and architects - having received permission for direct construction. And only after all these steps will you be able to submit your project to the state. examination, which must approve the project and issue a certificate allowing construction to begin.

    The act can be of two types: for temporary and permanent construction, it depends on many factors. In any case, after this examination, you will be allocated a plot of land and issued a construction warrant.
    If you think that all this “walking through torment” is completely not worth it, then you are mistaken. Yes, many procedures seem difficult to complete and absolutely pointless, but once you start collecting documents, you will understand that everything is not so difficult!

    Rent or construction of a box

    The question of whether it is worth building a box yourself, or whether you should rent it, depends purely on your financial capabilities. Most businessmen limit themselves to a certain amount (most often 150-200 thousand rubles), in which case the best option would be to rent boxes. But, before renting this or that premises, find out why the previous owner’s business did not work out? Why did he leave this territory? It is possible that opening a car wash in the chosen area is a disastrous option!

    If you are determined to open a serious business and you have sufficient start-up capital, then, without a doubt, it is worth building your own boxes.

    Car wash equipment

    Selecting the necessary equipment of good quality is an important component of success. The main manufacturers in this market are Karcher, Weidner, Wesumat, Kranzle, California Kleindiest, Istobal, Ceccato, Comet, Carebridge.

    Among this list, the most popular, and, as is generally accepted, the highest quality is Karcher. This company provides really high-quality products and at the same time pleases with a wide variety of goods! Among its range you can find everything you need to clean a car, moreover, these products are suitable not only for commercial use, but also for internal production.

    By the way, there is another great business idea for opening a waterless car wash. But this is a topic for a separate article, subscribe to updates so you don’t miss out!

    The most important production achievement of the Karcher company is portal car washes. They can be installed anywhere, even on the side of the road! Their main advantages: high cross-country ability and productivity. The list of services they provide may be small, but they perform them very reliably!

    Is it profitable to open a car wash and what income does it bring?

    As mentioned above, the most expensive thing in this matter is the discovery itself. In order for it to take place, you will have to buy necessary equipment, consumables and build or rent premises, as well as hire staff.

    Let's look at this in numbers:

    1. Purchasing the necessary equipment:
    - water supply device
    - high pressure apparatus supplying warm water
    - used water purification system
    - washing vacuum cleaner
    - compressor

    In total, this equipment will cost you 230-250 thousand rubles.

    2. Consumables:
    - shampoos, products that allow you to clean wheels, bumpers, interiors, polishing products
    This “pleasure” will initially cost (and will continue to cost) about 9,000 rubles per month (assuming that the car wash will serve about 30-40 cars).

    3. This is where we see all the advantages of renting boxes. To build a car wash, you need to collect a huge number of permits and certificates from officials. If you don’t believe it, then go back a little higher, to the point where we talked about it. To make it a little clearer, consider the figure: you will have to collect about 160 signatures from officials and authorities... The cost of construction itself will amount to about 3 million rubles. That is why spending about 50-100 thousand a month on rent is much more profitable.

    4. Personnel costs.
    Car washers' salaries are most often piecework. That is why you can build it in relation to your capabilities. In any case, this is about 20-40% of daily revenue.

    Taking into account all these conditions, you can earn monthly (with the deduction of expenses) about 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of a car wash directly depends on its location and the quality of the services provided! All in your hands!

    The number of cars in cities and other populated areas is growing steadily. In this regard, the demand for all services related to cars is growing. Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning their attention to business related to cars: car services, car washes, gas stations.

    In what cases is this beneficial?

    The prospects for a car wash depend on many factors, including, for example, the level of service, the ability to service both domestic and foreign cars, the availability of additional services and their range.

    This is a business with little specificity. For those who are wondering whether it is profitable to open a car wash, the main deciding factors will be the liveliness of the chosen area and the absence of nearby competitors.

    What do you need to open a car wash?

    You should send a written request to the city administration and obtain its consent to open a car wash in the selected area. The period for consideration of such requests is one month.

    It is necessary to prepare a preliminary design and coordinate it with municipal architects, as well as obtain approval from the SES, fire inspectorate, and environmental service.

    Based on the received technical specifications, a complete set of design documentation is developed. After which you will need to approve it, obtain a positive conclusion from the state examination and permission to build the facility.

    Appropriate agreements must be concluded with resource supplying organizations.

    Types of car washes

    It is better to decide on the type of car wash at the planning stage, because both the size of the investment and the profit will depend on this.

    Car washes are divided into:

    • mobile;
    • manual;
    • automatic.

    Mobile car washes– a popular and rapidly growing direction. They require little initial investment, and modern detergents make it possible to provide very high-quality services.

    Manual car washes are divided into:

    • contactless;
    • contact.

    In the first type of car wash, water and detergents are supplied through equipment, and the worker only controls the process. In the second case, people wash the car. This is the cheapest and most common type of car wash. However, nowadays it is increasingly losing relevance. The large time costs of washing a car are often not justified. In addition, careless actions can lead to damage to the body.

    Automatic car washes can be:

    • portal;
    • tunnel.

    Portal washes are designed in such a way that an automated arch structure moves along the car, cleaning the body using high pressure or brushes.

    In tunnel washes, the process is organized in exactly the opposite way: here the machine moves on a conveyor belt along the washing units.

    Automatic car washes are good because they allow you to save on staff. For normal operation of the sink, only two people will be enough. However, you will have to spend a lot of money on purchasing equipment and building or remodeling the premises, since often the existing premises do not correspond to the equipment for automatic washing.

    Requirements for car washes

    During operation, the washers discharge wastewater into the sewer system. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the city water utility. There are regulatory requirements regarding the composition of wastewater. The volume of wastewater is specified in the contract, as is the inadmissibility of discharging toxic substances hazardous to the environment into the sewer system.

    Water treatment equipment must be installed at the sink. This is usually a compact and inexpensive unit. Similar equipment is designed to purify incoming water.

    Selecting a location

    The first thing to start opening a car wash is choosing a location. You should choose a suitable room in the optimal area of ​​the city, town, or choose an option on the highway near a gas station.

    Next you need to find out the cost of rent. Renting a property will usually be more profitable than buying it, especially if you enter into an agreement for a long period of time and with a fixed payment amount.

    Its profitability will directly depend on the location of the car wash. In residential areas there will be fewer customers than in the city center or on the highway. But the rent will be more affordable. In addition, municipal authorities often do not like the opening of car washes in the center.

    The optimal choice would be an elite area located close to the center. Residents of such areas usually have expensive cars, can afford regular car maintenance, and often order many additional services.

    There is no need to build your own sink. You can find an inexpensive option for a ready-made building. In any case, the main thing is that there is free access to the car wash, which does not depend on road congestion.

    How to open a car wash from scratch: choosing equipment

    The required set of equipment will look like this:

    • high pressure apparatus for supplying and heating water;
    • compressor;
    • water purification systems;
    • washing vacuum cleaner;
    • detergents.

    The equipment, of course, will depend on the specific manufacturer. Supplies to the Russian market are mainly carried out by large foreign companies. Their prices are appropriate, so you won’t be able to save much.

    Main manufacturers:

    • Karcher;
    • Carebridge;
    • California Kleindiest;
    • Weidner.

    It is important to properly zone the car wash and include areas for customers and staff. This will make your work as comfortable as possible, and good service will attract many regular customers.

    The optimal minimum is a place for a cash register, an administrator's office, a staff rest room, and perhaps also a place where customers can drink coffee or even have a snack while waiting.

    It has long been proven that customers are more willing to choose those places that guarantee them a lot of comfort.

    The standard set includes a comfortable sofa and armchairs, magazines, and a TV. No special luxury is required here, the main thing is functionality and a focus on productive work.

    In order to offer coffee to the client, you don’t have to invest huge amounts of money in a cafe. You can install a coffee machine or simply place a cooler with hot water and offer customers something like cookies or chocolate for tea and coffee.


    Selection and hiring is the last stage before opening a car wash. This is not a difficult task, but it requires an extremely responsible approach. It is quite possible to choose car washers without work experience or special knowledge, but there should still be minimum requirements for candidates. The main qualities of a good car wash employee are:

    Some car washes operate 24 hours a day, so the washer must be prepared to work during the night hours.

    Types of basic and additional services

    The main services include:

    • body wash;
    • interior dry cleaning and drying;
    • polishing

    Additional services do not mean selling coffee and hot buns to customers, but services that are directly related to washing.

    Additional services will require additional staff training and increased salaries. It is absolutely obvious that the motivation for introducing a number of additional services for the car wash owner will be to increase the number of clients, and for the employee, washing the engine using the anti-sweat and anti-rain technique will be justified only if there is an appropriate financial reward.

    Traditionally, a car wash is understood only as a purely external car wash. However, the range of additional services can be incredibly wide. The main thing is to be able to make the right offer to the client.

    The most common additional services offered in big cities include:

    • applying a protective wax layer;
    • blackening of bumpers;
    • blackening of wheels;
    • engine washing;
    • radiator washing;
    • abrasive polishing;
    • elimination of holograms;
    • cleaning plastic in the cabin;
    • tinting;
    • reservation.

    It is clear that the wider the range of additional services, the more in demand the car wash itself becomes. You can also open a tire workshop, which will attract even more clients to your complex.

    For a small business it can be the next step in the development of an entrepreneur.

    Possible car wash franchises

    If we approach the issue from a purely theoretical position, then to open a car wash you will only need premises, detergents, several washers, and a minimum set of equipment. However, such a car wash will only be successful in small towns where the choice of the population is very limited.

    If the business is planned in a large city, then you can purchase a franchise.

    The concept of “franchise” is quite multifaceted and covers a whole range of actions and activities. But to put it simply, a franchise is a paid right to use one or another trademark for commercial purposes.

    Using an already promoted brand makes it possible to quickly start making money from a well-known name. Here you won’t have to re-establish a good reputation and client base.

    Today, there are several companies operating in Russia that offer car wash franchises to entrepreneurs. Their offers differ in conditions and prices. Let's look at the most interesting options.


    Thanks to this franchise, you can organize a car wash, which will cost about 8 times less than the usual and standard box.

    Fast and Shine

    When purchasing this franchise, the entrepreneur will immediately receive ready-made business solutions and a business plan. The company has its branches in 60 Russian cities.

    "Mobile car wash"

    The uniqueness of this project is that the washers themselves go to a pre-agreed location to provide services to the car owner. No water is used in order to avoid leaving puddles and dirt. Only the latest chemicals are used for washing. In the future, the company plans to create stationary car washes near shopping centers, at gas stations and other places.

    Option of non-stationary car washes from the ChistoCar company

    Self-service car washes “POMOY SAM”

    How much does it cost to open a car wash and its estimated profitability

    Opening a car wash is not an easy process and involves certain difficulties. But a car wash pays for itself pretty quickly. Car owners are increasingly refusing to wash their cars themselves.

    Russia is known for its bad roads and frequent and heavy rainfall. All this does not allow you to enjoy a clean car for longer than a few days, after which the car owner will again have to use the services of a car wash.

    In addition, competition in the market here will not be as high as in other types of business. A newly minted car wash owner will quickly begin to receive a stable profit if he takes into account some of the specifics of the business and the peculiarities of the market situation.

    If we talk about the initial investments, then all the equipment will cost approximately 300 thousand rubles. Cleaning supplies would cost approximately $300 per month if 30 machines were serviced daily. Construction of a box for a car wash from scratch costs approximately 2.7 - 3 million rubles.

    The average profitability is 40%, which is quite high. The initial investment pays off in a period of one to three years.

    The main difficulty in opening a car wash is the high threshold of basic investments. In order to reduce these costs, you can start a business by opening a portable car wash, and later, after building a customer base and making a profit, build a full-fledged washing complex.

    Video - the process of building a stationary car wash for 3 stations: